Thursday, February 28, 2013


Blowing out the candles on his birthday cake
On January 25th Boden turned the big DOS! Where does time go? I can't believe my little baby is already two years old. And since Milo joined the family, Boden just seems so big and capable of everything. He is a wonderful helper in the kitchen, and getting diapers for his new brother. He feeds Delilah and likes to do almost everything himself! 

We were so lucky to have my parents join us (and have my Mom from Christmas to Boden's birthday). Boden got so many wonderful gifts from so many wonderful people. He loves, among many things - the guitar from Grammie and Poppi. He likes to carry it around and yell sing "Old MacDonald had a farm". 

Steve and I went to Boden's school for his birthday and brought cupcakes to share with all his friends. The teachers were wonderful and everyone sang Happy Birthday to our little man. 

Pizza for dinner, followed by cake (blueberry with cream cheese frosting). What a fantastic Day!

Celebrating at School with his friends

A Guitar!

So many wonderful gifts
Reading a bedtime story with Grammie and Poppi after a long day.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

One Month

Milo at one month is 22 3/4 inches tall (90th percentile) and weighs 9 lbs 8 oz (60th percentile). He's a few ounces less than Boden was, but a little taller. He enjoyed his photo shoot.

Quick Comparison

 I finally got around to the one month photoshoot for Milo. Pictures and stats to follow (hint: he's long and skinny)!

These are the photos of newborn Boden and newborn Milo. I love my boys! 

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Coming Home

Happy Baby Milo, I could tell he was feeling so much better, and so much like himself. Our little 5 week old got the okay to come home today. Without oxygen or anything else (except some saline drops for his little nose). Although we love Foothills Hospital, we hope we don't have to ever go back as pediatric patients.

Here is the video I took yesterday afternoon when I knew we'd made it through the worst of this respiratory virus.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Double Fisting it

He makes it look so effortless doesn't he? Literally this guy has his arms full this year. Work, Parenthood, MBA and soccer - how does he do it all?

I'm a lucky lady. And, his boys sure love their daddy.

Brother Birth Stats

I created this birth stats image for Boden's room, and made one for Milo as well. What do you think, do they look like they are brothers?

In like a lion out like a lamb

Facetime with Milo
As many of you know, last week we took Boden to urgent care when his cough/cold turned into a low grade fever. I just had a feeling in the back of my mind, that it could be pneumonia. Unfortunately, I was right. Uggg. Because of his asthma and low oxygen levels they admitted him to the hospital. After a few days he was finally sent home and is now on oxygen when he sleeps at night.

But, being the exciting family that we are - Milo decided he wanted to be just like his big brother. Not sure why our kids wait until Saturday night to get sick, but on Sunday and during a huge snow storm we took Milo to Boulder Foothills hospital for a checkup as he was coughing and acting very uncomfortable. Sure enough, he too had low oxygen levels and tested postive for RSV. The doctor decided to admit him to ensure we can keep him suctioned and well hydrated and oxygenated, as Milo is still such a little newborn baby. He is doing great... but Oh, what a crazy few weeks it has been!

I'll try to update the blog with birthdays and holidays that have past while we're here. Hopefully only for another day. The hard part is that because of flu season this year, no visitors. Which means essentially that Steve and I each have a kid and don't get to see each other (Love you Steve... wherever it is that you are)!

Milo on oxygen

Happy Valentines Day

We are settling in as a family of four. Boden is now sleeping in his big boy bed and Milo... well, we just are lucky when he sleeps!

Brotherly love

Mr. Mustache

Milo's 6 expressions in 30 seconds