Saturday, January 22, 2011


I thought for sure by now I'd be cozy in confines of our home - writing up a quick blog announcing the birth of our baby while he sleeps in one of many baby contraptions that all new parents must have in order to survive. But, alas - I suppose that just wasn't meant to be. So here we are on Saturday January 22nd, nearly a week past the due date. And, nothing!

I have my theories... is this little guy so much like his daddy, that he refuses to leave the warmth of my womb (you should see how hard it is to get Steve to wake up on a weekend!)? Is he a little like me, and too stubborn to admit its time to be born? Either way, we've tried just about everything.... (EVERYTHING)!

We went to the doctor's office yesterday, and the baby looks great. I'm almost 3 cm dilated - so the doctor was hopeful that something might happen this weekend (please keep your fingers crossed!) And we did a NST (non-stress-test) which basically involves being hooked up to monitors for an hour. Just as we thought he was happy and active in his little belly home.

Something I've learned. Don't ask a pregnant lady if "the baby is here yet". Don't do it. Torture is getting calls and texts all day long asking where the baby is (heck, if I knew, I would tell you!) And don't tell her she's huge, or ask if she can get any bigger. STOP. Just wait. Don't call us - we'll call you!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Almost There!

Now we wait...

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Merry Christmas!

A belated Merry Christmas to all! We stayed very low key this year (with the impending birth of our first born). Do you like our Christmas Card? Special thanks goes out to Delilah, for staying close by and eating lots of treats when asked to pose - and to Steve, for suffering in the cold while I set up the tri-pod and tried to understand all the settings on our new camera. I think the results turned out pretty good!
We had a wonderful Christmas eve with Alexa. We attended an early mass and then celebrated with wonderful BBQ tri-tip steak, baked potatoes and asparagus. Followed by a home-made apple pie that was (if I do say so myself) - delicious!

I'm sure it will be our most lazy Christmas morning for a long long time.

Still Cookin'

Here are some of the pictures from our 36 week ultrasound. It was so great to finally see the little guy again, and he looks great! We can't wait to meet him in person.

Baby Boden, Lips, Chin, Nose

Face Silhouette

Baby Junk (its the turtle looking thing)