Every year my father, Ed, delicately rearranges the faux gold Noel stocking holders that my Mom lines along the hearth of the fireplace. He stretches them out making various words that are just as funny as sacrilegious. When we were younger the porcelain nativity scene (a Grandma Helen special) would actually travel from upstairs, to the living room (the Inn) where Mary and Joseph awaited the birth of Jesus (each day the three wise men moving closer and closer with their camels, frankincense and myrrh).
This year Steve and I had our first Christmas as husband and wife, starting the first year of our very own “family” traditions. I tried (and failed) to send out a funny Christmas Card. Don’t worry though, next year I’m going to actually mail them – and ensure that the photo is even better! We made Swiss fondue, had a delicious pre-Christmas eve dinner at the Boulder Cork (that is for sure a new tradition –YUM!), and even made sushi from scratch at home. Most impressively, we hosted our first “ugly Christmas-Sweater Party”! Can red and green snowman Jell-o shots be considered tradition? We endured gale force winds ice skating on a frozen pond with Alexa, Brenda and Marc. And, our cute little house was trimmed in lights while Delilah only managed to eat one string of them! (Naughty dog!)
We closed out 2008 in the mountains – riding in the New Year in the snow crusted Rocky Mountains. And started off 2009 with a full list of Resolutions (start a random blog for journaling, stop eating). So far, it seems to be the start of a fantastic year! I look forward to sharing thoughts, experiences and tid-bits of our daily lives, and hopefully I’ll progress to a witty and enchanting writer.
Until then….
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