Almost 13 weeks!
So …. This appointment was a little bit of a let down after our amazing first appointment. I got weighed (ugg) – and then the doctor used the fetal doppler to find the heartbeat. After a few moments of searching, there it was – barreling down like a train. Chugga-chugga- choo- choo. The heart rate was 165 beats per minute.
And we were done! So, although it’s a relief knowing that little Nugget is safe and sound. The visit was almost anti-climactic (we don’t get to see s/him every time?) Also, I was a little concerned about how low on my stomach the doctor had to go to find the heart beat, when clearly that is not where my tummy has been adding substance… hmmm.
Steve thinks that we’re having a boy. I’m undecided – but if you believe in old wives tales, the higher Heart rate indicates a Girl… so which one will it be?
Side note: Symptoms are getting much better, and my energy level is returning (although its been so hot, and without A/C here, lately that I am a little lazy…) I’ve been luck enough to have only a little gagging but nothing too extreme and that is finally subsiding. Yeah!
*photo of scary mummy baby to demonstrate hearing the fetal heart beat. No actually scary mummy baby is actually inside my uterus that we know of.