Friday, July 16, 2010

2nd Appointment

Friday, July 9, 2010

Almost 13 weeks!

So …. This appointment was a little bit of a let down after our amazing first appointment. I got weighed (ugg) – and then the doctor used the fetal doppler to find the heartbeat. After a few moments of searching, there it was – barreling down like a train. Chugga-chugga- choo- choo. The heart rate was 165 beats per minute.

And we were done! So, although it’s a relief knowing that little Nugget is safe and sound. The visit was almost anti-climactic (we don’t get to see s/him every time?) Also, I was a little concerned about how low on my stomach the doctor had to go to find the heart beat, when clearly that is not where my tummy has been adding substance… hmmm.

Steve thinks that we’re having a boy. I’m undecided – but if you believe in old wives tales, the higher Heart rate indicates a Girl… so which one will it be?

Side note: Symptoms are getting much better, and my energy level is returning (although its been so hot, and without A/C here, lately that I am a little lazy…) I’ve been luck enough to have only a little gagging but nothing too extreme and that is finally subsiding. Yeah!

*photo of scary mummy baby to demonstrate hearing the fetal heart beat. No actually scary mummy baby is actually inside my uterus that we know of.

Friday, July 9, 2010

First Appointment

June 11th, 2010

Finally, our first doctor’s appointment was scheduled. I even called ahead a few days before to ensure we were going to get an ultrasound. Affirmative.

According to my calculations (as I adjust the glasses on my face while writing code in my head) – we should be about 8 weeks pregnant. Steve and I were so excited and nervous to finally meet our little baby Nugget for the first time.

Walking into the hospital was like walking through a hybrid between a golf resort and Nordstrom. Directly across from the revolving doors is a beautiful outdoor fountain and patio area with views of the Flatirons. To the left was a piano player seated directly in front of the Espresso bar and café. According to the Boulder Foothills Hospital website, there is also an amazing restaurant somewhere on the premises.

We go up to the second floor and sit down in the waiting room. Finally we are called back into the sterile examining room and obliged to answer a barrage of genetic and hereditary information. After what seemed like an eternity we finally get to meet our doctor. Steve and I both immediately like her. She’s a typical Boulder professional, with a demeanor that screams – I played college (insert sport here) and a tan that says – I love the outdoors. After a brief exam we walk over to the ultrasound room (one door away).

It’s difficult to even articulate how amazing it was to see our baby on the screen for the first time. With his/her giant head and little arms, it was miraculous to see Nugget waving around and kicking. And when the doctor let us listen to the heart beat, Steve immediately squeezed my hand tighter, and although there is disagreement on the following fact – I do believe I saw tears in his eyes above the giant smile on his face.
Neither of us can remember if the heart beat was in the 140s or 160s, but it was good and strong and our little Baby Nugget so far was looking good.

We are officially 8 weeks, 5 days along, with a due date of January 16, 2011.

Mother's Day...

I just had a feeling, A good Feeling. Steve did too

May 9th, Mothers Day. I got up early at 6:30am, just knowing that, although it was possible, it was still very early to find out. I hopped back into bed with the stick.

“Steve! Look, am I crazy or do you see two lines?” His scrunchy blind morning face folded into a grin.

“What does that mean?”

“We’re Pregnant!”

Lying in each others arms for a few moments I pause… “Anything you want to say?” He gave me a quick kiss and a quizzical look. – “Say Happy Mothers Day!”