The Mazda has passed.
Oh zoom, zoom…. You were such a great car, and so very loved. You were the first car that I ever owned. You drove to California, to Texas, and along treacherous mountain passes. You saw me go to College, and graduate and get married. You even become the primary car for my husband, who although was slightly more abusive to your interior, loved you like his own. You went before your time. The transmission that we had eagerly replaced to save you, in January failed again.
Although the timing wasn’t great, it afforded Steve and I the opportunity to get a commuter car that was a little safer for our new arrival (plenty of baby room in back!). And I am lucky enough to work for a company that gives great perks in terms of employee discounts, and we managed to get a new 2011 Nissan Versa for the cost of some of the used cars we were looking at.
So, it is with reluctance to introduce you to the newest member of our family. Emmanuel.
Emmanuel is a Manual. I don’t know how to drive a manual transmission, but as Steve requested it, since this is his car for work etc;, I gave in. I mean, you do have to learn new things every once in a while, right? If you see us on the road, give us a wave…. If its just me – steer clear!

Awww, I have a mazda protege too! He's green, and probably on his last leg soon too. :( Congrats on the new car though! And good luck learning how to drive stick! :)