Wednesday, February 15, 2012

One year at a glance

Its amazing how quickly a year can pass, and how much a baby can grow. Boden's stats at a year are pretty much the same he's been the whole time in terms of percentages. He weighs 20 lbs, and is in the 25th% for weight and 50th% for height.

He's super funny (and has a fantastic, if not slightly slapstick sense of humor), cracking up constantly and always testing our limits. He says "Hi, Mama, Dada, Lilah, water (wa wa), book, No, night- night". He can use sign language to say "more" (which often means still hungry, thirsty etc), "all done", "dog", "bye", "kisses". We're learning the words "patience", and "please".

He was officially walking at 10 months - and climbing, jumping, diving... He loves to dance, and swing, and eat (this kid is going to eat us out of house and home by the teen years). Sometimes he goes out the dog door to check on Lilah - or to see how long until we notice he's in the garage. He'll usually just peak his head back in and say "hi", and shake his head no (because, he's pretty confident that although he's not supposed to go out the dog door, its pretty dang funny when he does).

He has 8 teeth (four on the bottom, four on top) - and is getting a molar up top.

And every day he gets a little bigger, and a little less like a baby. Which is both spectacular and heartbreaking at the same time.

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