Friday, January 2, 2015


Space Camp "Tom Skerrit" and Spider-man
Halloween is filled with magical memories for me. I grew up loving to dress up and play pretend. My brother would create whole themes around the holiday. There were the years with full cemeteries, an actual fire breathing dragon and costumes of Hollywood perfection. Its so much fun to have children (or for now at least one child, although Milo will get there, I'm sure) who loves to dress up and pretend to be different characters. So Halloween was a week of events, adventure and different costumes depending on the day. Not to mention my $12 face painting kit from Amazon was hands down one of my greatest investments. Boden let me paint almost anything on his face and I got to feel like the best Artist/Mom in the world. 

Boden, Milo and our friend Lane at the Niwot Halloween Parade
Mexican lunch after our Niwot Halloween Parade

Trick-or-Treating with our friends Paige, Cooper, Bogart (the pup) and their Mom Lara

Pumpkin Patch

Cottonwood Farms is just down the hill from us, and is a beautiful farm with pumpkins, animals and views of the flatirons. We've been every year since Boden was a little guy, and this year was no different. On a sunny Saturday we took the Boys and met up with a few friends from pre-school. The kids had a blast riding in wagons, picking the perfect pumpkins, and running wild through the corn maze. 
Cooper and Milo are in awe of the patch.

Paige "lady gaga" and Spider-man chillin' in the wagon
Levi, Paige and Boden taking a quick break on the pumpkins.

Friends like Family

We love having visitors, and it was especially fun to have visitors with kids! Colin, Kerri, Sloane and Townes dropped by for a visit, all the way from Austin, TX. We got to show off our winery and brought them for a tasting and ranking of wines. The kids loved playing together and my favorite part was how they called each other "cousins". I can't believe how fast these little ones grow. We visited TX when Boden was 8 months old, and we thought they were so big at the time. 

Playing all together
Milo and Townes getting to know eachother

6 year anniversary

Steve and I celebrated 6 years in August. The school does a bi-monthly parents-night-out event where you can just leave your kiddos there until 8pm (so we did). Steve and I are proud members of our local winery, which is book ended by our amazing breweries. We had a happy hour at both places and celebrated with a dinner at our favorite Korean restaurant. We even got to celebrate again with a sushi date, and later with tickets to the Oddball Comedy show at Red Rocks. I'm a pretty big fan of celebrating whenever and whatever we can. 
Red Rocks Comedy show

Look at the amazing rainbow in the corner of the shot - you can't beat the views at Red Rocks

Late Summer Stuff

Late summer and early fall really flew by. Steve started traveling quite often, for work (like gone for 3-4 days every other week)... which might not seem all that much to some people, but it was a huge adjustment for us.

We took the kids to our pool around the corner, Boden learned to ride his big boy bike (the transition from a balance bike to a bike without training wheels was impressive), Milo picked up Boden's old balance bike, and we played as much as we could.

I took the boys to the Boulder Airport Air show

They loved looking at all the planes and helicopters

... and fire trucks

Then flying on a plane just their size.

Watching a helicopter land so close was loud and exhilarating!

The kid's school had a summer fair. Boden and his BFF Levi munch on snow cones.

Lots of summer birthday parties, climbing and play. This rock slide is at a fantastic North Boulder park.

Steve's Grandparents drove through and stayed for a wonderful visit.