Wednesday, March 30, 2011


We had a great visit last week with my cousins Aaron, Cherry and their kids Jasper and Eliza along with my Cousin Kate. Eliza kept wanting to hold Boden (so cute)!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Two Months!

Some new favorites

Have I mentioned that I love the men in my life?

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

World's Strongest 6 week old...

(I will post some great ones from the flip camera... but here's a taste of how much Boden is growing.) This was taken with my iphone. Boden is 6 weeks old, and oh so strong!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Boden is officially 6 weeks old today. Which also means that I'm exactly half way through my maternity leave. (Noooooo!)

I suppose that means we have to get serious about what we're going to do for daycare. Do you think Delilah is up for the challenge? Currently we're looking for a nanny to come in during the week to help out (since I work from home). But this whole process is a bit overwhelming. Although I've had a few discussions with other Mom's about a Nanny share, nothing has worked out yet. Wish us luck on our search.

I totally welcome any suggestions/ ideas. So far I'm part of a yahoo group (Boulder Rockin' Mom's) which is an excellent forum. And will be researching and Craig's list. Ahhh, this kid is so much work already!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Stats and Firsts...

Now, I realize a majority of the blog for Boden will be made up of firsts... but here are a few recent developments in the life of our new little baby.

Yesterday we had our one month checkup to see how he was doing. Boden is now 9 lbs 11 oz (is it true he'll sleep through the night at 10 lbs?) He's pretty much right in the middle as far as percentiles for little boys his age. He's also losing his hair - and appears to be growing in more blonde. He looks more like his Daddy every day!

Boden caught and got over his first cold. We call him "snorty" because when he's hungry he makes little snorty noises like a pig. I'll have to post video soon (I will, I promise!)... but the cold exacerbated the problem. It was partially adorable, and partially sounded like he was choking to death. Thankfully the cold appears to have subsided. Although, Steve is currently at the walk in clinic with a sinus infection.

Boden also got his first immunization. He took it like a champ, with only a moment or so of crying and then fell promptly asleep. The needle was so big! But he didn't seem to mind.

We've been getting out hiking, walking, and trying to jog a little. Soccer starts next weekend, and I know I'm in for a world of hurt the first few weeks. Wow, I'm really out of running shape! Wish me luck, and remind me to stretch! (Steve is out for the first few weeks with a stretched MCL in his knee. Yipes!)