Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Boden is officially 6 weeks old today. Which also means that I'm exactly half way through my maternity leave. (Noooooo!)

I suppose that means we have to get serious about what we're going to do for daycare. Do you think Delilah is up for the challenge? Currently we're looking for a nanny to come in during the week to help out (since I work from home). But this whole process is a bit overwhelming. Although I've had a few discussions with other Mom's about a Nanny share, nothing has worked out yet. Wish us luck on our search.

I totally welcome any suggestions/ ideas. So far I'm part of a yahoo group (Boulder Rockin' Mom's) which is an excellent forum. And will be researching care.com and Craig's list. Ahhh, this kid is so much work already!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck in your search. Wish I was closer! I would totally do it.
