Monday, September 10, 2012

Oh Boy!

Its official - Baby Dos is a little Boy! Steve claims he knew all along (He never wavered - not once). I was more surprised by the "BOY!" comment (really, I've felt so terrible, this pregnancy feels so different from the first, and this baby is NOT a girl?). But after my initial shock, and Steve and I going out to lunch (Burgers and fries) to discuss the prospect of two little boys, two years apart, I'm getting really excited. I mean, sorry kiddo, but we don't have to buy you new clothes or shoes for ... well... until you and Boden are in the same size. Other pluses ... not having to save for weddings, boys are generally not drama queens in the teen years, and our little guys will hopefully grow up and be best buddies. So without further adieu - meet Mr. Milo Edward Fezler (obviously the middle name is for the Twilight vampire - those names are just so popular these days - and not for my Father, and both; yes, both of my Grandfathers). But we'll just let them think its for them.

Already playing soccer at 13 weeks in utero! What Talent!


  1. ADORBS! Love love love him already :) (how does Delilah feel about having another brother?!)

    1. Delilah is conflicted. On the one hand - so excited for baby barf and another high chair eater. On the other - she is dreading being climbed on and suffocated with baby love. Overall I think her desire for infant food will win out and she'll be happy with another boy.

  2. Congrats! How exciting! And I love the name!
