Thursday, August 29, 2013


A few weeks ago was the annual Lafayette Peach Fesival. It just so happens that Zaki and his boyfriend Mark were in town for a visit and we decided it would be the perfect place to see some local fair and taste some delicious organic peaches. We were right - but totally underestimated the crowds. It was crazy how many people were there. Thankfully I felt like we had insider information since our dear friends Kate and Sita live about a block from the happenings. Boden was so excited for the petting zoo and to ride an actual pony. However, even with Steve and Zaki urging him - we never made it to actually riding the pony. The best part though was heading back to Kate and Sita's for some fresh home-made peach daquiries. Mark sent us these adorable pictures of the boys with Zaki. Thanks for the visit!

Petting Zoo

Milo and Zaki hanging out

The Godfather

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Potty Time

All ideas and suggestions welcome. We have a chart, a reward system... I guess we just need him to get motivated. Alas, its not going well (don't let that sweet face and smile fool you).

Pinterest Projects

As I mentioned previously, my Mom and Dad came out for a week in August to visit the kids, celebrate our Anniversary and help with projects around the house.

Not only are Godlewski's creative - but handy to boot! My Dad was a terrific handyman, and my Mom painted the guest bathroom in the basement and Milo's room. We sure know how to put them to work when they visit. Everything envisioned (and pinned on pinterest for ideas) came out beautifully! 

Basement/ Guest Bathroom

Milo's Room (same color as Boden's room - Silver Sage)

Painted 2x2 coat rack and ikea framed art (door to garage)

Art Gallery and hanging pictures. I LOVE this!!! 

This is using Ikea curtain rods.

Same lighting fixture - just spray painted black and added Edison bulbs.

Ohhhh Ahhhhh 

Saturday, August 24, 2013

7 months!

Oh my goodness how time flies. Little Milosh is already 7 months old! He is a fantastic sleeper (knock on wood). Two good naps a day and sleeping through the night. Its probably because he's so active that he needs all that sleep. On top of being a crawling machine he now walks around tables, couches, and just this morning was pushing a walking/ push toy. Oh no! Boden walked at 10 months, which is early... but I have a feeling Milo, watching his big brother run all over the house is ready to join him on two legs.

We've had lots of mini-adventures recently and are looking forward to traveling back East for Steve's Mom's wedding. I hope to get the blog updated in the coming weeks as summer draws to a close.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

New House - painting project

I've decided that I really love to design and decorate. Oh, what I could do with an unlimited budget (I better buy some of those power ball tickets)!

My parents came for a whole week last week, and we undertook some awesome projects. I'm going to document the actual changes and updates (some, like adding the garage door opener to my cars home link system can't be adequately captured on film). But, before they arrived, the painting was finally done. Here are a few before and after photos from my phone of some of the smaller projects we started.

What fresh paint can do. The entryway.

Looking down from the stairs

Steve and I learned how to thread TV cables through the wall! 

My "Boden Project"

The dining room (updated chandelier to come too!)

This was the "half wall" from the upstairs hall into the living room. For safety and sight we removed and replaced with a banister railing. 

After, this really opens up the landing, and makes it safer for us to watch the boys (and they won't jump over!)

Monday, August 5, 2013

On the move...

We're already going to be in trouble with this mobile baby. Crawling and starting to cruise at 6 1/2 months. Ohhhh dear!

Um, what are you feeding me again?

Zoom Zoom!

Puppy love