Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Baby Dos

Right before our trip to Hawaii, Steve and I found out that we are expecting baby #2. We were so surprised and excited (this was a sur-planned baby; we thought it would take longer to get pregnant than it did). We told Boden, but he kept his mouth shut during our vacation. We didn't tell anyone else because we wanted to just focus on having fun with our family of 3 and the Grandparents and Uncle Brian and Auntie Meghan. After our first appointment when we got back, we sent out this photo to our parents on both sides. Boden has no idea what he is in for!

Baby #2 (Baby Dos) is expected to make an appearance around January 2nd. If this one is like Boden, maybe mid-January... and if this baby wants to give us a great tax break, we accept anything prior to December 31st at midnight!


  1. Yay! Congrats! We are so excited for you guys!

  2. Congratulations! Maybe the baby and Jordan will share birthdays. That would be so cool. Take it easy. Lots of love, hugs and kisses.

  3. Yay!!! Love those pics. Hope you've been feeling well. Love you guys! So happy for you!
